Is the gay ill health sector enacting bareback conversion therapy on the gay community?

By | 23rd July 2020

Anguished manIf you believe the gay ill health sector is a force for good in the gay community, this article may be triggering for you. It may however be a sign you have been brainwashed and traumatised by an extreme politically correct woke bareback agenda masquerading as “ending HIV”. So please have an open mind.

” Brainwashing (also known as mind controlmenticidecoercive persuasionthought controlthought reform, and re-education) is the concept that the human can be altered or controlled by certain psychological techniques. Brainwashing is said to reduce its subjects’ ability to think critically or independently, to allow the introduction of new, unwanted thoughts and ideas into their minds, as well as to change their attitudes, values and beliefs.” according to wikipedia. This can be said about the gay ill health sector and their bareback agenda they wish to impose of the gay community.

According to the Yuri Factor their are 4 stages of mind control. These brainwashing techniques are being enacted by the gay ill health sector to establish their bareback conversion therapy on the gay community.

Stage 1 – Demoralization

The first stage is demoralization. The key to this is to normalise gay men as hopeless, hapless, incapable of coping with life. Insisting the vast majority of gay men are mentally ill and needing “help”. Of course the gay ill health sector is there to support you, they even claim they love you. They are instilling a victimhood culture onto the gay community. Insisting that the UK is still a homophobic society and against us. The gay ill health sector is here to fight our cause and claim to represent us.

Stage 2 – Destabilize

The second stage is to destabilize. That is to cause unrest in the gay community. To cause conflict between gay men. The bareback agenda aims to cause havoc, confusion, frustration. They do this by spreading false narratives. The main one that condoms are not as effective as PrEP and all gay men are “at risk”. Another narrative is that PrEP is “gay liberation” from the evil pleasure denying, intimacy impeding condom. The final narrative is that condom campaigns “don’t work” and condoms are only used “by some” gay men. A complete lie but necessary to destabilise the gay community and suggest the barebacker is in the majority, to forward the bareback conversion therapy.

IcebergStage 3- Crisis

The third stage is crisis. You will see the gay ill health sector constantly stating we are in a crisis. An epidemic of HIV. To deal with this crisis we must constantly be testing for HIV. Constantly be in fear of HIV. Condoms are erased from all messaging. HIV negative gay men are portrayed ruthlessly as mentally ill hopeless disease spreaders, incapable of consistent condom use. Whilst HIV+ are seen as the responsible ones who take their pills daily and are undetectable. No condom required. Past safe sex campaign of 30 years ago, particularly the monolith and icebergs, are discredited as stigmatising to HIV positive people and simply “didn’t work” at ending HIV. Even though in the UK they were a great success as 93% of gay men are HIV negative today, compared to some cities in the USA where the percentage is much greater.

Stage 4 – Normalization

There is a massive push in the gay ill health sector in 2020 to normalise, destigmatise and validate “condomless” sex in the gay community. To brainwash young gay men that barebacking is more intimate and pleasurable and “sex positive”. Also older gay men who have been consistent condom users are targeted, stating we have “condom fatigue”, and consistent condom use is unachievable. Even that condom use is a fetish.

The mass medication of HIV negative gay men on PrEP is a massive funding opportunity for the gay ill health organisations to offer a “wrap around” service of counselling and constant testing for HIV and other STIs. The explosion of STIs due to the “liberation” of barebacking is also seen as a good result, as the more STIs found the more they can treat.

Disease and testing are not something to avoid with condoms but an inevitability of sex they claim. Campaigns around testing are another great funding opportunity, while not mentioning condoms of course. Covid-19 can be transmitted through semen but this great threat is also ignored.

The brainwashing of the gay community with their bareback conversion therapy aims to create a tipping point where the condom user is highly stigmatised and seen as old fashioned in the age of “biological” intervention and constant testing for disease. The condom user has to go along with the herd mentality, ditch the condoms and go bareback to get any sex at all. This is the aim.

However so far PrEP demand and usage is limited to a small minority of barebackers, mainly chemsex drug users who are self destructing and have mental health issues. This is why they are fighting the PrEP bareback “stigma” to try and get more gay men on these meds. That’s why they have to ramp up the anxiety of HIV but at the same time say it’s no big deal.

We wait in anticipation for the PrEP Impact trial’s conclusions to the pertinent questions we want answered.


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