Is being a barebacking cumdump slut now seen as aspirational?

By | 3rd June 2018

The gay (ill)health organisations have abandoned behavioural change and embraced medical interventions in the fight against HIV. Their agenda is that no gay sexual act can be “stigmatised”, “shamed” or “judged” otherwise you are a “slut shamer” a self hating homophobe whose view needs to be shut down. You are branded a bigot.

However the result of this “non judgmental” stance has led a cultural shift in the gay community. That being a barebacking cumdump slut who takes multiple loads up their arses by anonymous gift givers at saunas and sex parties is aspiration and a positive desirable lifestyle choice! Bugchasing destigmatised! Living a real life fantasy, as presented in bareback porn, gay liberation possible by taking PrEP if negative, and your meds if positive and undetectable. No need for the social controlling pleasure denying evil condom, that reminds us of HIV on every sexual encounter. A post condom world the HIV positive gay men that lead on gay (ill) health crave and desire and present as the new norm.

This is a self destructive, delusional state that pulls in the naïve impressionable members of the gay community and the mentally ill. The “bareback community” is not a sub culture to explore your “dark side” along with like minded liberated bareback enthusiasts. It’s destructive to both your sexual health, mental well being and future of all of us. Drugs are frequently used to rid you of inhibitions or your “gay shame” or “self stigmatising” as the gay (ill) health experts would have you believe.

We don’t need to tell the more sane gay reader that this is insanity with the explosion of STIs, which are causing real concern in the sexual health clinics around the world. Ironically at the same time the insidious gay charities have given “training” to staff about not to “stigmatise” the barebacker with words of advice to “wear a condom” as it discourages testing, apparently. Complete madness.

The so called gay (ill) health experts push their bareback agenda and present condoms as an inconvenience, a “compromise” to “uninhibited” sex. The only authentic gay sex is unprotected or “condomless” as they say, with the conclusion being someone taking a cumload up their arse for “intimacy”. Gay mens sexual health is being destroyed in this process with lots of trauma from sexual transmitted disease, which are normalised as an unfortunate by product of “liberated” gay sex.

It really is a shit storm they have created which cannot be medically controlled. The end result, as we see it, is drug resistant STIs, HIV becoming less treatable and the lives of gay men shortened due to the HIV positive men leading gay mens charities who hate condoms and want rid of them in the gay community. Sex with lots of fear is really the future. Take our advice and avoid the car crash gays and say you are a proud responsible condom user. You will meet like minded gay men rather than the politically correct delusional mentally ill barebacker.


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