Keep challenging the PrEP bareback promoters and their so called Ambassadors

By | 18th February 2018

It’s important to remember that you have a voice in the PrEP debate. Do not be afraid to voice your opposition to it to friends and on social media. The PrEP bareback enthusiasts hate that you speak up and call it “unnecessary noise” and you are a “hater”. We call it democracy.

With their prepaganda you would think there are hundreds of them. There isn’t. Probably between 10 and 20 bareback activists.

Remember these PrEP advocates aren’t experts in the field of HIV, they are not HIV specialist doctors. They are just a rag tag and bobtail of barebackers, most are HIV positive and are therefore highly traumatised with mental health issues, many are illegal drug users.

Social media has enabled a level playing field to develop and this is a massive challenge to the bareback promoter and his agenda. Which is to get all gay men to abandon condoms and onto PrEP.

The media has also picked up on this, that not all gay men agree that PrEP is a good thing and needed for the gay community. This is very damaging to them. That’s why they will try to brand you as an uneducated “hater”. They can’t win the argument.

The bareback promoter with his twisted politically correct agenda that no one should be “stigmatised” can be very frustrating to challenge and question.

We are here to help you challenge them on social media, remain respectful and ask questions in an effective manner.

Read through our posts and gain background knowledge to formulate your own questions.



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