Hepatitis C a big concern as HIV negative men abandon condoms when they go on PrEP

By | 18th August 2017

Previously Hep C was confined to HIV positive drug users who injected and shared needles as it was transferred through blood. Now it has mutated to be transmitted through unprotected sex as PrEP has “broken down the barriers between HIV positive and HIV negative gay men”.

So if you think your only concern is HIV when you bareback along with other STIs which you only need some antibiotics or a shot in your arse, think again. Hep C is difficult to treat and treatment can take a long time.

“The first case was in a 46-year old man who started PrEP in 2013, who reported two cases of syphilis, rectal gonorrhea and rectal chlamydia from August 2013 to July 2014 and condomless receptive anal sex during that time.”

Being on PrEP and barebacking sounds like a whole lot of liberating fun!

If you want to avoid all these nasties which aren’t good for your health with countless trips to the clinic just wear a condom. Is it such hardship?

Stand by for Hep C stigma from the gay (ill)health organisations.


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