Stand by for an explosion of STIs as PrEP is implemented in the UK

By | 12th August 2017

PrEP will be trialed in the UK this year, starting with major cities London, Manchester, Brighton with large gay populations followed by others, a phased approach on already stretched NHS clinics. The consequences will be significant.

Anyone on PrEP will abandon condom use entirely and seek other gay men that want to have unprotected sex. You see this all the time on “dating” apps. STI rates which are already high will go through the roof, the bareback enthusiasts don’t care as they are treatable. Well they are treatable at present with antibiotics, but for how long will this continue before they become drug resistant?

Constantly contracting sexually transmitted diseases and relying on drugs to get rid of them do have long term consequences to your body. Wearing a condom is the best way to protect yourself from HIV and other STIs.

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