Bareback propaganda in the USA is constant. Stand by for more of the same in the UK

By | 10th August 2017

You will see many campaigns by the gay (ill)health charities about how they want to “destigmatise” HIV. They would have you believe it’s just about treating HIV positive gay men with respect, support and kindness. Noble aims. However the real agenda behind this is to “destigmatise” barebacking, validate it and glorify it as a legitmate practice in the gay community.

It’s very manipulative and devious to link HIV positive mens status with being non judgemental about barebacking. It’s a way of shutting you up and stopping you speaking out about “condomless” sex. No one wants to be branded with “HIV stigma”.

Therefore stage 2 of the bareback agenda can swing into action and that’s getting you Mr HIV negative on PrEP which the gay (ill)health charities claim will help you deal with your “HIV stigma” and “fear” of HIV. The gay community can “unite” and you can have “condomless” sex with anyone regardless of status, it’s called “HIV equal”. No one wants to be branded a bigot or refusing to form a relationship with a HIV positive man. You must Mr HIV negative gay man realise that you are denying the poz guy the sex “he wants” to “fight the stigma”. How judgemental of you!

It’s the creeping bareback agenda of supposed “choice” in your sexual health toolshed of prevention. They want you to separate disease and sexual pleasure, so you don’t think about the consequences of barebacking and disease spreading. To be a “fearless f**ker” as they say on their Tshirts.

We don’t need to tell you the devastating consequences on the gay community this bareback agenda will have. You know. But these bareback enthusiasts, who really are mentally ill bugchasers and gift givers in denial will not stop until they have created a bareback community as the social norm where you Mr HIV Negative have little “choice” but to have “condomless” sex or go without.

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