Most gay men are not bareback addicts in need of gay (ill)health organisations “saving” them from HIV with PrEP

By | 21st March 2017

Read any article from any number of gay (ill)health charities and they are full of writers who give the impression all gay men as unrepentant barebackers as though this is the “norm”. Gays are “vulnerable victims” of a vicious society that has been against them for decades creating all these social ills that the poor gay has no power to control. He is a hapless victim always in need of “help”. Quite the stereotype we have fought against for years.

The gay (ill)health charities are full of these “types” who make these excuses, feeble gay men who refuse to take responsibility for their actions and will always blame others. However their desire is to normalise, glorify and recruit more gay men to this lifestyle. It’s what any addict wants, to normalise, “destigmatise” their behaviour and pretend they are “in control” and its in some way “the norm”.

It’s the same with PrEP, presented as something for mass consumption for all gays when in fact its for the small minority of bareback enthusiasts, who have serious mental health issues and need to be controlled through medication so they don’t spread HIV. However you have to spare the “feelings” of the chemsex barebacker by presenting this behaviour as “the norm” and acceptable, or you “stigmatise” them and they won’t come forward for their medication.

Remember using a condom is a sign of a respectable, responsible, confident gay man in charge of his sexual health.

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