There’s nothing wrong with “slut shaming”

By | 8th October 2016

It was no surprise when the narcissistic gay unprofessionals hijacked the phrase “slut shaming.”

Women came up with the phrase. But domineering, attention seeking gay males had to grab some victimhood for themselves.

So now the phrase “slut shaming” is used as a tool to try and silence any criticism of behaviour by gay men, no matter how extreme it is.

But why shouldn’t some behaviour be condemned? Indeed, the failure to do that is leading us into the disaster which many of us see looming. With PrEP, drug resistant HIV and STIs, the continued decline of condom use and promotion of chem sex and other extremes

If there were no boundaries and nothing was unacceptable what sort of society would we live in? No doubt many people would be murdering others on a daily basis if the “stigma” was removed from killing.

If a person behaves in a way which is personally damaging and, more importantly, stands to harm others. If his behaviour is a threat to overall public health and will end up costing the NHS hundreds of thousands of pounds and possibly turn that individual into a lifelong burden on the state, then why shouldn’t people say “hang on, what you’re doing is socially unacceptable and just plain stupid”?

Where is the line and why the reluctance of these feeble gay organisations to speak up? By not doing so, they ensure that we as a community are on a slippery downward slope. At what point does a failure to condemn chemsex, barebacking with casual partners and other shitty behaviour almost become a subtle approval of them?

Gay Times May 1985In an article about AIDS in the May 1985 issue of Gay Times The author writes that, before the disease took off, some gay men in New York would boast of having 60 different partners in a weekend. Were they “sluts”? Were they mentally ill? Was this ever really acceptable?

“Although it’s still said in hushed tones, most agree that ”fast lane sex’ was the key to transmitting the supposed virus speedily to so many.”

At that time you could go to a club in New York which was entirely based around piss.

The author notes that, in a recent issue of the US magazine Village Voice, the writer Michael Callan wrote that “a small subset of gay men unwittingly managed to recreate disease settings which duplicate the sanitary conditions of poor third world nations and [heroin] shooting galleries.”

Now it isn’t even said in “hushed tones.” Today we live in a world in which every person is presented as being an innocent “victim.” How they got into their predicament supposedly doesn’t matter.

But if you fail to highlight, address and condemn the stupid, dangerous behaviour, it just leads to more people falling into the same hole.

Where are the role models for young gay men? Who is taking a lead and saying “some of this behaviour is out of control and damaging for you and society.” Instead we see (buzz phrase alert) “non judgmental” articles about chemsex, fisting and so on.

If the aim is to tackle HIV infections then where is the condemnation of the alcohol fulled gay scene and the ruthless pink pound exploiters who, over the last two decades, have destroyed the community we once had? But no, the (ill)health organisations are part of the same money-making gay career circus.

Did you know that fisting doesn’t seem to have existed as a sexual activity until the late 1970s? Think about that… The whole of human sexual history and then just 35 years ago suddenly people were fisting… And by 2016 UK gay (ill)health organisations are presenting it to impressionable young gay men as part of the sexual repertoire in a “non judgmental” way.

This isn’t going to end well. We are the on the “fast track” again right now. Today, our UK gay scene is more like the way New York was 35 years ago. Even worse, it is riddled by political correctness and insipid individuals who would rather say the “right” thing than speak up and risk their careers and offend their gay pals.

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