Tag Archives: gay media

“Feelings” and Politically Correct Ideology have caused countless HIV infections and will continue to do so

By | 17th February 2017

In the fantasy world of the gay elite, the gay (ill) health charities, the Prepster (bareback) advocates and the gay media “feelings” will always trump facts, logic and downright common sense. They have a rigid ideology, a liberal fascism that they are right and their mantra must be followed. All dissenters are seen as self… Read More »

PrEP: a sign of a terminally ill gay community gone mad (or is it just a manageable condition)

By | 25th January 2017

2016-17 was quite a year not only in mainstream society but also the so called “gay community”. With closing gay bars, nightclubs, saunas, gay stores and the ever increasing violence in and around so called “gay villages” across the country could things get any worse for the beleaguered “gay community”. Oh yes it could. The… Read More »

PREPAGANDA – Hypernormalising barebacking and the supposed demand for PrEP

By | 22nd December 2016

Phase 2 is in full swing by PrEP advocates after the NHS were bullied into providing a trial for 10,000 participants who were incapable or unwilling to wear a condom. You would think they would be satisfied but unless an unlimited “roll out” of PrEP on the NHS is implemented, it will never be enough… Read More »

Protecting your gay partner replaced by selfish shallow bareback sex

By | 1st December 2016

The day to day reality for many of us who always insist on a condom is that sometimes men will quite literally end sex and walk out of the door when they find that we will only fuck with a condom. This is a mirror of the “HIV stigma” which the gay (ill) health charities… Read More »